love, +852, and…

…other four-letter words; numbers and symbols count as letters, right? ha.. ha.. As is evident by that poor excuse of an allusion (please ignore my pathetic attempt at a clever title), I made a short trip to the land of iPhones recently. And by recently I mean almost two months ago – work is still crazy, and my posting schedule is still messed up, forgive this once organized girl.

Continue reading “love, +852, and…”

love, +852, and…

top 7 Indonesian food I can’t live without


Two weeks ago, on August 17th to be exact, Indonesia celebrated its 71st Independence Day. Being a #proudindonesian, I thought I’d dedicate this month’s blog post to the delectable cuisines of my tanah air (homeland). So the following is a list of 7 Indonesian dishes that are worth every single calorie.

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top 7 Indonesian food I can’t live without

top 7 food I miss from Hong Kong


Before I start this article, I want to put a disclaimer: I am not a professional food critic. This is not a sponsored post. I am not and have never been associated or affiliated with any of these restaurants, bakeries, dessert shops, food places in any way, shape or form. Everything you read here is purely based on my personal opinion and 100% my own view point. This list is in no particular order. Hong Kong will hereafter be written as HK (cos I’m too lazy to write in full ha.. ha..) Ok, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get our stomachs rumbling!

Continue reading “top 7 food I miss from Hong Kong”

top 7 food I miss from Hong Kong