love, +852, and…

…other four-letter words; numbers and symbols count as letters, right? ha.. ha.. As is evident by that poor excuse of an allusion (please ignore my pathetic attempt at a clever title), I made a short trip to the land of iPhones recently. And by recently I mean almost two months ago – work is still crazy, and my posting schedule is still messed up, forgive this once organized girl.

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love, +852, and…

Bali: first impression

I’ve been living the island life for just under three months now, and you won’t catch me complaining! I’ve never been to Bali before I took this job, so I didn’t really have any expectations or preemptive thoughts about the paradise island except that it’s very touristy. Well, that part is certainly true enough. The whole island is full of foreigners, especially Kuta, the so-called tourist hub.

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Bali: first impression

the thrill of uncertainty

I quit my job.

Being self-employed, it was less conventional than handing in a resignation letter to your boss and giving your month’s notice. Rather, it was more like mulling the decision over in my mind for the past month… or six.

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the thrill of uncertainty

He died for us

Hello April! Did anyone get April fooled last week? I hate April Fools’ Day cos I’m always that one person who believes all the fake news and falls for all the pranks. But I love April; it’s the month of spring and flower buds and cherry blossoms (like seriously, so many of my friends are in Japan right now to see the beautiful Sakura trees and I’m super jealous). It’s also the month of Easter and new beginnings. Yep, this year Easter falls on the third Sunday of April.

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He died for us

CNY getaway (part II: Singapore photo trail)

Continuing on from my last post, while I did visit some of the most touristy places during this trip to Singapore, I also made time to check out some of the most Instagram-worthy spots. Like, literally, I Googled “Top ten most Insta-worthy places in Singapore” and added the ones I liked best to my itinerary ha.. ha..

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CNY getaway (part II: Singapore photo trail)